
Showing posts from September, 2023

isides from pm narendra modis youtube videos since after he became pm

 1. He became trusting as with ajay devgan and vivek oberoy and ratantata sir , be like him.  popular faces halped modi ji a lot by saying bjp changes evrything in gujrat or they workd well vivek obroy with pm Narendra Modi addressed the Google Big Tent Active Summit on September 27, 2023, and spoke about the importance of technology in politics. He said that technology is changing the way people live and work, and that politics is no exception. Modi said that technology can help politicians to connect with voters in new and innovative ways. He also said that technology can help politicians to make better decisions and to implement their policies more effectively. Modi gave a number of examples of how technology is being used in politics today. He mentioned that politicians are using social media to connect with voters, that they are using data analytics to understand the needs of voters, and that they are using technology to deliver services to voters. Modi also said that technology

moral integrity 

 Moral integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to compromise on. It is about doing what is right, even when it is difficult or inconvenient. People with moral integrity are trustworthy, reliable, and fair. They are also courageous and willing to stand up for what they believe in, even when it is unpopular. Moral integrity is important in all areas of life, but it is especially important in leadership positions. Leaders with moral integrity set a good example for their followers and create a culture of trust and respect. They are also more likely to make decisions that are in the best interests of their organization and the people they serve. Here are some examples of moral integrity in action: A police officer who refuses to accept a bribe from a criminal. A business leader who turns down a lucrative contract that would involve unethical practices. A politician who votes against a popular bill that they believe is wrong. A whistleblow

UPSC Mains 2023 Paper Discussion || Ethics || By Dharmendra Kumar Sir ajay dev 25 sept

 UPSC Mains 2023 Paper Discussion || Ethics || By Dharmendra Kumar Sir     NOTES : - 2023 UPSC law ipc terminology is depicted and asked to write laws in a question about women and development & caporate laws , carporate governance, moral integrity  read question in english  write in 4 to 5 paragraph  Be professionally efficient but dont be Vijay Malya instead be Ratan Tata if you can , Tanish Goyal the defaulter 85 crore of gov and 35 crore of pubic got taken out of plane while travelling as they lack moral integrity .  Insider trading  Satyam Computer Scam :  Question 2 : " Curruption is the manifestification of the failure of core values in the society " in your openion what measures can be adopted to uplift the core values in the society? ANSWER : ; Materialistic thinking to collect , ineffective agencies , mafia - goverment union ,  In long term . 1. kids in childhood taught to be honest follow core values encouraging them to do moral stuffs .  ACB , Lokayukt  P4 for

Constitutional and Administrative Law:

  Constitution and Constitutionalism: The distinctive features of the Constitution. Fundamental Rights—Public interest litigation; Legal Aid; Legal services authority. Relationship between Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles, and Fundamental duties. Constitutional Position of the President and relation with the Council of Ministers. Governor and his powers. Supreme Court and the High Courts: (a) Appointments and transfer. (b) Powers, functions, and jurisdiction. Centre, States, and local bodies:  (a) Distribution of legislative powers between the Union and the States. (b) Local Bodies. (c) Administrative relationship among Union, State, and Local Bodies. (d) Eminent domain-State property-common property-community property. Legislative powers, privileges, and immunities. Services under the Union and the States:  (a) Recruitment and conditions of services; Constitutional safeguards; Administrative tribunals. (b) Union Public Service Commission and state public Service Commissions—Po


Indian Society: Perspectives on the Study of Indian Society (a) Indology (G.S. Ghure) Indology is a broad field of study that encompasses the history, culture, and languages of India. G.S. Ghure was a pioneer in Indian sociology, and his work on Indology helped to shape our understanding of Indian society. Ghure argued that Indian society is unique and cannot be fully understood using Western theoretical frameworks. He emphasized the importance of studying Indian society on its own terms, taking into account its unique history, culture, and social institutions. (b) Structural functionalism (M.N. Srinivas) Structural functionalism is a sociological theory that views society as a system of interconnected parts. Each part of the system plays a vital role in maintaining the stability and functioning of the whole. M.N. Srinivas was a leading structural functionalist sociologist in India. He studied Indian society through the lens of caste, family, and village life. Srinivas argued that cast